website ranking
Accessibility conducts a thorough analysis of websites for Accessibility to ensure they are usable and inclusive for all users, including those with disabilities. Here’s a detailed outline of how this analysis typically unfolds.

Compliance with Accessibility Standards

  • WCAG Guidelines: evaluates the website’s adherence to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) latest standards. It checks for compliance with criteria related to perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness.
  • Accessibility Conformance Level: The AI assesses if the website meets the desired conformance level as per guidelines.

Keyboard Accessibility

  • Keyboard Navigation: verifies if all interactive elements (links, buttons, forms) can be accessed and navigated using a keyboard only, without requiring a mouse or touchpad.
  • Focus Management: The AI checks if the focus indicator is clearly visible and consistent, ensuring users can easily identify which element has keyboard focus.

Screen Reader Compatibility

  • Alt Text for Images: analyzes if images and non-text content have descriptive alternative text (alt text) that can be read aloud by screen readers.
  • Semantic HTML: The AI evaluates the use of semantic HTML elements (e.g., headings, lists, landmarks) to provide structure and context for screen reader users.

Colour Contrast and Visual Design

  • Colour Contrast Ratio: checks the colour contrast ratio between text and background colours to ensure readability for users with visual impairments.
  • Accessible Colour Palette: The AI evaluates if the website uses an accessible colour palette that accommodates users with colour blindness or other vision impairments.

Assistive Technology Compatibility

  • Compatibility Testing: tests the website’s compatibility with common assistive technologies such as screen readers (e.g., JAWS, NVDA), voice recognition software, and magnification tools.

Forms and Interactive Elements

  • Accessible Forms: The AI assesses if forms have clear labels, instructions, and error messages. It checks for logical tab order and proper field validation to assist users in completing forms accurately.
  • Interactive Element Accessibility: verifies that interactive elements (e.g., sliders, accordions, menus) are accessible and operable for all users, including those using assistive technologies.

Video and Multimedia Accessibility

  • Captioning and Transcripts: The AI evaluates if videos have captions or transcripts to provide auditory information to users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Audio Description: checks if videos or multimedia content include audio descriptions for visually impaired users to understand visual content.

Mobile Accessibility

  • Responsive Design: The AI tests how well accessibility features adapt to different screen sizes and orientations on mobile devices, ensuring a consistent and usable experience.

Accessibility Audits and Testing

  • Automated Tools: utilizes automated accessibility testing tools to scan the website for common accessibility issues and generate reports.
  • Manual Testing: The AI conducts manual accessibility testing to validate findings from automated scans and identify nuanced accessibility issues that automated tools may overlook.